Deeper Insights + Better Experiences = Sustainable Relationships

Full-Service B2B
Brand Intelligence

The triumph of artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging new technologies is changing the role of branding and marketing. Building new customer relationships today means investing heavily in customer insights and experiences. In a digitally-driven world, you can only add value if you have a superior understanding of what customers are thinking and have targeted brand strategies and relevant experiences available long before any physical interaction.

Once upon a time, seemingly forever ago, B2B companies went “all in.” Everything truly essential was stated by the USP. On top of that, product benefits were staged focusing on functionality and disseminated one-way in a presumed market. The rest used to be a matter of sales. A relationship grew as the relationship was ongoing. And even the most sophisticated CRM systems were only used to step up the game.


B2B marketing in the age of artificial intelligence means far more than displaying product benefits online and showcasing one’s service mentality.

The focus of the B2B world has shifted – from the seller to the buyer. From one-way to dialogue. B2B marketing has become a brand relationship of a digital nature, that starts long before the sales process.

B2B has become a competition for the most relevant customer insights and experiences.

Buyers study products very closely and have access to a wealth of information and opinions, to no small part thanks to Social Media Access. They inform themselves about what is up-to-date and disqualify what is outdated. Today, they do this via countless channels – but almost always digitally.

Within a very short time, they have an overall picture, before a cookie can even guess that a potential "future high-value customer" is surfing by. 

Thus, it has never been more important than it is today, to understand the thinking of “future customers” in advance and to understand the influences taking effect on a buying center, to be one step ahead of the expectations and to respond to the market with relevant experiences.

Because every great experience that a potential customer has with a brand in the digital space and every virtual relationship they enter into during the buying process, raises the bar for everyone else.

Digital brand relationships have become the most significant driver in the B2B world.

B2B companies that succeed in differentiating themselves through their customer-centric performance and that are able to adapt the experience to every phase of the buying process, create significant added value and thus competitive advantages.

It has become easier to pull the desired customers out of digital traffic and win them over. But at the same time it has become more intense and more demanding to keep up with technological innovations and the plurality of thinking in the market.

“High-value customers” are savvier, more digital and want to get the most out of their time.

As a consequence, buyers in most cases want get in touch with the seller at a later point in time – namely when they have already formed an opinion and have an almost complete picture of the market. 

Otherwise, one gets to hear sentences like these: 

“Please stop asking me for an in-person meeting. I'm busy enough as it is.”

Only those who learn to understand the reality of their market and the corresponding target group using the most advanced, AI-powered market research can respond with meaningful content in a digitally driven, customer-centric world.

And only those who shape it – that is, mold it into profitable strategies and experiences – will continuously fill a relevant role and not be relegated to a mere supplier below the threshold of perception.

Things are still bought and used by companies, but behind every buying center there are people – opportunity types, whose dormant desires and pain points want to be revealed.

B2B benchmarks today are therefore those that, align their capabilities to (1) facilitate awareness and (2) accelerate business by understanding the mindset of the "Future High-Value Customer" better than any one else and integrating it into their communications.

They are investing in customer insights to help them make faster and more informed decisions. They invest to open new relationships and establish sustainable business.

Because perceived performance is not just about the product and the service, but about the overall experience customers have with a brand.

Sustainable relationships are the result of great experiences with the brand. And only brands above the perception threshold are accepted by customers and end up in the relevant set.


With moodley brand intelligence, we have built audience research and technologies for B2B companies seeking true customer centricity and long-term relevance in a digital, customer-driven world.

Through the use of AI-driven brand research and advanced analytics that enable unprecedented human understanding and make insights scalable, we combine our proven brand knowledge with the latest technology. We inform and create customer-centric business models and experiences, and use techniques to establish transformative relationships between businesses and people in a sustainable way. 

For CEOs and marketing leaders, we thereby offer a great opportunity to transform customer-centric experiences and sustainable competitive advantage. Because those who succeed here build strategic alignment on solid target group knowledge and are able to respond to the market with personalized experiences.

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